Hidden illumination

Each milestone is marked by its own magic circle on the margins of history. Anticipation as a gift and blessing, connection with the beyond and the cosmic as the highest form of freedom, interaction with the esoteric as initiation into the chosen ones.
There are no safe places left in the world and no sure remedies for the hardships of existence. And paradoxically, the magic of irrationality once again displaces the dryness of common sense. Otherworldly portals open, mediators come out into the open, ritual candles are lit, the Moon outshines the Sun, and meanwhile people find ghostly hope.
The sharper the reality, the stronger the magical bonds envelope everyone who is in search of «sacred» knowledge. This hypnotic state is the hidden illumination of a consciousness still believing in miraculous and inexplicable illusions.
I wonder: to flee from this reality, to destroy it or to transform it? Escapism, even in magical practices, is a story not only about crises of time and miracles, but also about the need to look from a different angle at one's own perception of the present. It is an attempt to get rid of illusions, to desacralize the images of the mysterious, settled in the head in childhood, and turn them into something conscious.
Dummy book